Volcano eruption claimed 5 lives, 8 missing

(BBC) – 5 people were killed and 8 other people are missing in White Island, New Zealand on Monday this week, reported by New Zealand authority. They apparently were visiting the crater site when all the sudden , it erupted.

Among 41 survivors, about 31 of them are being treated in a hospital. The reports said that they are from different nationalities such British, Chinese, Malaysian, and New Zealand citizens.

It is a terrible tragedy that this happened to these innocent tourists , said New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and expressed her condolence to the families who lost their beloved one.

The rescue team are still searching for those missing. Boats and helicopters have been used to transport the victims back to the safe place.

Whakaari/White Island is an active volcano, situated 48 km from the east coast of the North Island of New Zealand, in the Bay of Plenty. It is New Zealand’s most active cone volcano, and has been built up by continuous volcanic activity over the past 150,000 years (source)

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