US House votes to impeach Trump at last

The US-House of representatives on Wednesday voted to impeach the US president, Donald J Trump, on two charges, one is the abuse of the executive ‘s power, and the other is the obstruction of the US Congress.

The resolution on the impeachment is apparently partisan. Almost all the democrats voted “Yes” while the GOP voted “No” to the impeachment.

Mr. Trump was giving speech at his political campaign at Michigan while the House’s proceedings was going on. At the Battle Creek , Michigan he told the crows that ”  “While we’re creating jobs and fighting for Michigan, the radical left in Congress is consumed with envy and hatred and rage, you see what’s going on.”

According to a statement from the White House, it said that the president has his confidence that he will be acquitted at the Senate Trial. Base on the the US constitution, a US president can be removed only if 2/3 of the Senate agrees to convict the president. Then, the vice president will be appointed as the interim president.

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