Start your day right

Have you ever felt so lazy when you get up ? You don’t feel any motivation to do your priorities of your day. Yes, you know it is important to get those items done but something just hinders you from getting on it.

You started to think what wrong with me. You have your agenda items , but you feel that you’re stuck into this.

We all have our own reasons but one common issue is that we all have to deal with our mental order. By mental order , I meant how we order or organize what comes into our mind.

How do you begin your day is very important. I recently had a short conversation with a professional electrician. Though he didn’t claim that he is an expert on all the engines , he stated that some used engines need some sorts of idling power to prepare the engine before it can get the wheels on the road.

As he was mentioning about this , I thought of my vehicle. Sometimes, I start my truck without letting all the engines preparation go well. If the engine is new , it won’t probably cause any issues, but it is said that some old engines , you need to start the engine, and keep it idly on for a while before it can run on roads.

It’s the same thing with our life. Sometimes, we start our day too quickly without preparing our life physically and spiritually well.

This morning , as I met my mentoring group, at first, I felt no talk, no motivation , and less confidence when presenting myself in front of them. Yet, when we charge ourselves with the words of God , encouragement from one another, and receiving inputs from each other , I began to feel more freshed , more ready, and more confidence.

The question is how do you start your day with ? How do you charge your life when you get up ?

If you keep doing the same thing , it might result the same , but when you do something different , then you might end up getting new result . Try it yourself, and start your day right .

God bless you and thanks for reading my article .

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