Covid-19 , human made or human mistake?

Covid-19 has been spreading across the globe infecting so many people silently and rapidly that governments have to lock down their cities and take some serious actions to reduce the spread.

It seems the world doesn’t focus much on where it came from , how it came from , or what it came from. Some governments are pointing fingers at each other while others are working hard to control the spread because they had underestimated the nature of the virus.

Some say the virus is human made while others believe that it is human mistake.

Is it true that the nature of the virus was modified by some scientists? Some of us might have watched Jurrasic world, a movie depicts a mistake of some lab people modifying dinosaur’s genetic. Their work failed and ended turning one of the creature into human killing machine.

Some medical scientists ruled out that the virus was human made saying that it was detected years ago but disappeared. Some studies showed that the virus is found in wild bats . Is it verified that people had eaten an animal containing Covid-19?

If it is true that it is human made , then a big question should be what purpose is the virus intended for ? If it is true that it is human mistake , eating the wrong animal at the wrong place and wrong time , then how will developed world prepare to take actions to help or to improve standard of hygiene in some developing countries in term of what to eat ?

  • VATANAK2011

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